Monday, June 21, 2010

deep thoughts on the trail

I had the opportunity to hike alone. Alone with my thoughts up in the mountains for 2 hours. I usually hike with a few friends which I love, but this time it was just me and Greta my dog.

A song from Jack Johnson's new album kept running through my mind. It has slowly become my very favorite on the album, sort of grown on me. On the trail was the first time I actually thought of the words I had been singing. This line especially.

"Lets not get ahead of ourselves now, there's no need for rain its our own parade"

I tend to get ahead of myself, worrying about tomorrow or the not so distant future. Sometimes the worry of the unknown is overwhelming. By doing this I think maybe I am raining on my own parade. Robbing myself of the joy here and now. I think I have always known this, but today it came back around to hit me. How we handle each moment as we are in it, is all we really have control of.
Maybe Jack ment something totally different in these lyrics. But hey, this is how they spoke to me.


Unknown said...

That it totally what I do. I stress about upcoming things because I don't know how they will turn out...and I just need to enjoy now :) Hard to remember sometimes...

Meg said...

True dat!
You are definitely going to be ready for a 10K. I think we should just plan on doing it..huh...huh?
I too find solace in running the trails. I crave it...have for fact I think I blogged about when I was prego with my Maria. Miss you dearly.

the warrens said...

i needed that today. thanks!

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Brooke Marturello said...

Good thoughts! You girls,(you and Sarah) and your beautiful postings make me happy to call you my friends. Glad you got some alone time on the trail.

Unknown said...

I would loved to have hiked with you, but sometimes there is just something about being alone with our thoughts that puts life into perspective. I loved your post good food for thought.

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"Love is the answer at least for most of the questions in my heart. Like why are we here, where do we go, and how come it's so hard." -Jack Johnson